Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Getting the Hardest Part of 5G

What is the hardest part for CSPs, while moving towards #5G;

Network Densification

New Spectrum

Network Planning,

Converging the legacy

Digital Transformation

Moving to Cloud???

Indeed these all are big rocks in the road towards 5G, but.... Despite being all these problems, CSPs are moving rapidly towards 5G, few have crossed 1Mn mark, while many are seeing 5G adaptation faster than that of it's predecessors (4G, 3G etc.)

In my opinion, the biggest problem CSPs have today is "Being not able to find newer ways of Monetisation!" In 5G it becomes more critical business element! In other words, "Legacy Charging Methodology & Lack of Dynamic Monetisation Models is putting CSPs at risk of uncertainty of Return on Investment they are doing for 5G!"

Many top Leaders of early 5G launchers have even confessed that they are still using traditional model of Bundle base or Volume/Time based Charging for their 5G Services, with a few $$ up than 4G.

It is evident that telcos are unable to find better ways to monetize the 5G services.

While CSPs are fighting their race of getting ahead in next gen network deployment & expansion, they need expert help and thought leadership, who can partner with them to find new innovative Charging & monetisation model, such as;

  • Charging only when required Vs Always
  • Finding new Unit of Measures Vs traditional
  • Seconds, Minutes, KB, MB
  • Charging-as-a-Service Vs Charging-System
  • Precise-marketing over Mass-marketing
  • Subscriber-Persona over Profiling
  • Relatime Promotions Vs Near-Realtime
  • Close-Loop-Feedback Vs Open-Loop
  • B2B2X and B2X Vs B2C 




There are a number of such thought processes and not all of them are suitable for each CSP and different options will work for different CSPs. It depends on many factors, such as; Geography, Target Segment, Network Presence, Services Offered etc.

Hence, what also needed is a quick turnaround time, in decision making and implementation of changes. Most of these changes comes from a closed loop feedback mechanism, but many needs to be adapted as part of culture.


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